Homecoming and Halloween

No matter how great your job is, everyone experiences frustration, exhaustion and days of 'is it all worth it.' I'd be lying if I said I've never experienced those things in my 5+ years of working with the Foundation. But fortunately for me, those days are a rarity. Most days, I'm reminded how fortunate I am to work for my alma mater doing my part to advance our university by making an impact on countless lives. It's an incredibly rewarding job, and I get to do it with an incredible group of people! These things made Homecoming and Halloween even more special this year.

Homecoming has an entirely different meaning when you work for your university. You still get nostalgic and excited about all the festivities, but you also feel the strain of the added events and demands that come along them. Luckily for me, this year's Homecoming was pretty much all play. A lot of the responsibilities I used to have during the week didn't follow me to my new position, so that left a lot more time for me to enjoy Homecoming. On Friday night we had several friends over for dinner before Walkaround. We had a blast and even though it was cold and drizzly, that didn't deter us from seeing all of the house decs. By the time we got there, most of the crowd had cleared out, so we enjoyed a little more elbow room than in years past. 

On Saturday, Kyle and I had planned to go to the game with Kim and Trey, but when it came down to it, Kyle couldn't get away from the dealership. So I tagged along with the Lesters for a little tailgating and football. The weather for the game was wonderful. It was cool to start out but we were nice and toasty by the 3rd quarter. And when I say toasty, I mean that literally, I had a sunburn to prove it! But the game ended with a win, so we all went home happy.

 Caroline, Lindsay, Jordan and I took a little cruise in the golf cart to see the signs on Library Lawn one afternoon of homecoming week. 

The winning house dec by Fiji and Kappa Delta. 

But Homecoming isn't the only holiday I look forward to in October. I also love Halloween and this year it was extra fun because the Foundation had a little celebration of our own. In the past, employees have been encouraged to dress up and attend our Frightful Food Fest for lunch, but this year we also added a trick-or-treat. Employees with kids could bring them to trick-or-treat the offices from 3:30 to 5. It was so much fun to see everyone in the Halloween spirit. Throughout the day I ate WAY too much food, but I have to say it was the best Halloween I've ever had at OSUF. After all of those festivities, I was pretty beat. Kyle and I turned on our porch light but we didn't have a lot of traffic, so we spent most of the night watching Halloween shows and folding laundry. It was a great way to end the month.

 Jordan and Lindsay had the brilliant idea for us to go as Duck Dynasty and with five staff members in our department, it worked out perfectly. I was Phil.

 Here's a little 4 out of the 5 comparison for you. 

 And here is the complete group! We are such a good looking bunch.

My coworkers got really creative with their frightful foods. 

 Hudson was the cutest little shark I know!

 And Sam the spider and Henry the storm trooper were adorable as well. We decorated our area for the kids and Sam LOVED running through the streamers into our offices. 

 And how could I not take a photo of these two. Mary Kate made a beautiful Southern Bell! 

 Even though we didn't get a ton of trick-or-treaters at the house, we got one of the cutest. Little Konner stopped by to show off his monkey costume and cuddle with Kyle.


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