Spring has sprung

Regardless of what it may feel like outside tomorrow, spring is here, and I’m really excited about it! Spring has never been my favorite season but for some reason this year, I’ve loved every minute of it. Maybe it’s because we have a few nice, sunny days when I can go for walks around Boomer with Kim, and then we get hit with cold weather again and I’m dragging out my winter clothes. I don’t care too much for the back-and-forth.

But as luck would have it, most of our nice days have occurred on the weekends when we can actually enjoy it. So if you need to find us, chances are we’re out in the yard mowing, sprinkling, planting etc. And when I say “we” I really mean Kyle. He loves to work on the yard and prefers to handle most outdoor duties himself. He also loves to be with me and wants me outside with him. The problem is, I don’t have much to do outside, so I usually start out doing something productive like pulling weeds and then end up just sitting outside watching him work. It’s not the most productive way to spend your afternoon, but at least we’re together, and as a bonus, I get a suntan! :)

It’s been a pretty dreary week with news of the Boston Marathon bombing, so I thought it was a good time to spread a little spring and remember just a few of the 365 things I’ve been grateful for so far this year.

10. Loving and accepting parents. Their example makes our family tight-knit. (2-9-13)

14. Freedom - At this point in our lives Kyle and I can do what we want when we want. It probably won't always be like that but we're enjoying it while it lasts. (2-14-13)

32. My last medallion ceremony! It's been such a long road but it built up my endurance. (3-8-13)

43. Not having to deal with needles in my ordinary day life. Once or twice a year is bad enough! (3-19-13)

50. Hugs and kisses from my husband as I'm cooking dinner. (3-27-13)

68. Doing a job I love because it allows me to focus on those who are doing good in this world rather than those spreading evil and hate. (4-15-13)


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