Getting Even

Several months ago, I read an article about getting even with people. It suggested that rather than focusing your energy on getting even with those who've wronged you, focus on getting even with those who've had a positive impact on your life. At the time I was dealing with a lot of internal negativity and frustration so the idea of focusing on something else that was positive was extremely appealing.

After that, I started to think of little ways I could get even with people. I don't know that I've done a great job of executing all of my fleeting ideas, but there was one in particular that got me really excited! I decided I wanted to make a book for my Grandparents. They are in their 80's, and I am realizing more and more how lucky I've been to have them in my life. My Grandparents are such caring, positive, content people who were always eager to open their home to 20 + people for an extended weekend with no complaints or reservations. When we all come to visit every square inch of that small farmhouse is put to use. Sleeping bags on the floor, folding chairs at the table and four to five people waiting to pounce as soon as you vacate the couch.  We love visiting the farm, and I know they love having us.

So I thought it would be fun to give them a book with pictures and memories of the hundreds of visits we've shared together. I asked all of my cousins to write a letter about their memories on the farm, the things they've learned from Grandma and Grandpa, and how much they appreciate them. Then I searched through Mom's old photos to find some good ones of us. I put everything together and gave it to them when they came for a visit over spring break.

We all had a good time reading some of the memories and looking at the photos from when we were little. I know they appreciated it, but I think I still had the most fun putting it all together. It felt really good to do something nice for them even though I'm well aware there is no "getting even" with them. I will be indebted to them forever for all of the love they've given me over the years, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. What a wonderful idea Abby! You're a good granddaughter to give them such a gift of love! Love the idea of getting even with those who have helped you! Excellent!


    1. Thanks, Leesa. It was actually a lot of fun to do! I am kind of obsessed with photo books right now. :)


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