Turkey Day

On Wednesday we headed to Hennessey after getting off work. We had dinner with my parents and then got to Skype with Zach. It was so good to see him, especially since he wasn’t able to come home for Thanksgiving. Asher told him all about the circus and the deer Dad got the weekend before. I thought he’d be repulsed by the skinning of a dead animal, but I think he found it quite interesting because he loves to tell people about it.

He started making "lists" when we were Skyping with Zach. I asked him if it was a Christmas list, but got no answer.

On Thursday we got together with the rest of the Taylor clan at Terry and Cheryl’s. Unfortunately, we were missing a few cousins, but that’s pretty much par for the course these days since we’re all over the place. It was great to see mostly everyone and the food was wonderful. A little too wonderful…I’m still stuffed. As soon as we finished eating Kyle said, “OK, I’m gonna go play with the kids.” He was just like one of them playing catch on the living room floor, reading books and walking around while they held onto his ankles. Needless to say, he slept well that night!

When we left, we went back to Mom and Dad’s to decorate their Christmas tree. Asher was in a bit of a mood, but once he had a corral for the manger animals, he was good to go. :)

He was pretending to be a baby deer who was decorating the tree. Unfortunately, the baby deer put all of the ornaments in the same spot. You know that drove me crazy!


This was a timed photo that went off a little too soon. I thought Ty and Kyle looked hilarious, so I had to post it. 

Now here's the respectable one. 

Everyone on Facebook is doing 30 days of thankfulness. I’ve never participated in that, but it’s been fun to see the things people are thankful for. It’s a good reminder of all the little things in life that bring a smile to your face. I’m going to do something similar in 2013, but stay tuned for more info on that. For now, I’ll leave you with the three big things I’m thankful God has blessed us with:

1. Each other. Kyle and I are so fortunate to have a loving marriage. There is plenty of fighting that goes along with that, and we are far from perfect, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. He is my favorite person to laugh with and cry to.

2. Our wonderful family and friends who encourage us and help us through life. They’re always the first people we call when we have a tough (or silly) question, and they’re the first to offer love and support when things seem bleak.

3. Security. Kyle and I are fairly secure in our jobs and our finances. It is such a good feeling not to fear what tomorrow brings and enables us to get excited about the future, instead of dreading it.


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