Chi-town Shenanigans

The Tuesday before last, I left for a trip to Chicago. The annual ADRP conference was there this year and while I've been in the past, this year was different because our ENTIRE team went. There were seven of us in all, and we had so much fun together!

Chicago is a place I've never really been dying to visit. I haven't been opposed, it just wasn't on the top of my list. However, after going there, I definitely want to go back. It's a very clean city and there is so much to do and so many wonderful things to see. Kyle and I will have to plan a trip there some day.

If I learned one thing this trip it was that I work with the most awesome people! On the airport parking shuttle on our way home we met a lady. She said she opted to take the full shuttle because she and four of her coworkers had been together for four days and needed a little time apart. We all smiled and nodded as if we understood completely, but in that moment I couldn't. We spent our spare time together outside of the conference not because we had to, but because we genuinely wanted to. I can't remember a trip where I've laughed (or ate) more. The past couple of months have been challenging at times but I've constantly been reminded that I work with some of the best people around. I consider myself extremely blessed to have these gems in my life!

And now, here's a little photo recap of our trip...

Tuesday: Flew into Chicago. Ate tapas at Emilio's. Shopped the Magnificent Mile. Ate pasta at Tarantino's. Discovered Michal really knows her flowers and Matt has an eye for women's fashion.  

Waiting on Joan to buy out the store! :)  

Wednesday: Conferenced. Got a painful massage (thank goodness it was only 10 min.). Laughed at The Second City. Discovered there is a nice cab driver in Chicago, but following traffic rules isn't his strong suit.

Thursday: Conferenced. Saw Chicago on the Wendella boat tour. Ate Giordano's pizza. Taught Joan how to upload a picture to Facebook.

 This wasn't our boat, but it was one just like it. 

 The gang is all ready to see Chicago!

Chicago Tribune

The building that used to have its own zip code. Wouldn't you like to clean that?! 

This is for Uncle Gary who used to work for Boeing.

Union Station 

Willis Tower (aka Sears Tower) Next time I'm going to the top! 

 Where Lincoln won the Republican nomination. It was considered quite the upset at the time.

Such pretty architecture everywhere you look! But did they run out of U's or something?

 The developers ran out of money for the building on the right, so it's just been sitting there incomplete. I think someone new purchased it, though. I'm unsure because at this point the tour guide's mic started going in and out. I don't think anyone was that disappointed. He was no Vince Vaughn.

 This one is for Brandon and Krissi.

 Wrigley Building

These are apartments. I bet it costs a pretty penny to live there! 

Trump Tower 

Navy Pier 

Watching the sun set from Lake Michigan. 

Next time I'm going on a sail boat!

Navy Pier all lit up

 So pretty!

It was a long walk to Giordano's and by the time we got there we were starving, but it was worth it. Good thing Michal did her research by asking all the locals where the best pizza was. We were glad to be joined by a few of our conference buddies. Good times!

We found out later from our cab driver that just one slice is 1,000 calories. Good thing I only ate one! 

 Yes, there were plenty of left overs, so we gave them to a homeless person.

Friday:  Conferenced. Experienced "the bean." Flew back to Oklahoma. Exchanged most embarrassing stories.
So these are pretty much the coolest senior citizens I know! :) I joke with them all the time. Joan and I were roomies and we had so much fun together. It was hard to get to bed before 1 a.m. because we were telling stories and laughing while I was teaching her Facebook and she was teaching me how to use the iPad. 

 So technically it's called Cloud Gate, but we called it the bean. It was so cool! Definitely glad I didn't miss it. 

 I love this picture. I think it captures his personality so well! 

This is our reflection, and I love how you can see the rain dripping down. 

Well that pretty much does it for this trip. What an awesome experience! If you ever get a chance to go to Chicago, I highly recommend it!


  1. Abby this is lovely! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Abby, you are the best story writer! We did have a wonderful time and your pictures are just exactly how everything looked. Except, I did not buy the store out and you all did not wait long on me. I must say though, everything I bought did look exceptionally well on me. Your rommie in Chicago.

  3. Oh Joanie, you must be having trouble remembering again! :) One thing is for sure, you did look always! I've never seen anyone rock a utility wardrobe like you do, friend!

  4. when Kelsey and I went to Chicago we ate Chicago pizza at another place and we also gave our leftovers to the homeless.


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