The Highs

This weekend was a tough one filled with highs and one deep low. For now, we'll just talk about the highs. We got to meet our nephew on Sunday! I have been waiting for this day since Christmas when Jerilyn and Ben announced they were pregnant. It didn't disappoint.

Conner was so adorable and cuddly that I could have held him all day. Kyle is still a little anxious around babies so I don't know that he could say the same, but we are both looking forward to making all sorts of memories with this little one. We are so proud of Ben and Jerilyn for being such good parents already. I can imagine this would be a hard time of adjustment for them, but they are doing wonderfully!

Such a good dad.
Proud Uncle Kyle

Conner is the first grandchild in Kyle's family and it's so fun to watch your parents become grandparents. It's almost as if they turn completely to mush right before your eyes. That's what happened with my parents when Asher was born, and I see the same thing with Kyle's parents, particularly his dad. They are so cute together!

Conner finally woke up and was checking out Mom and Grandpa.
I didn't want to leave, but fortunately for us, we'll be back next weekend for a joint birthday party and very big announcement. (Greg and Stacie are going to tell us the sex of their baby!) I am really getting used to this aunt thing, and I think I could have 20 more nieces and nephews and be perfectly happy. So if the siblings are reading this...get busy.

Another high this weekend was finding out one of the friends I grew up with eloped on Saturday! A letter arrived at our house that day announcing AnaLeah and Emmet were husband and wife (what perfect planning). I was surprised to hear the news, but I knew Ana's wedding would be anything but traditional. She is unique, and I couldn't be happier for them.


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