
I had a fabulous and LONG weekend in Kansas since I took Thursday and Friday off to spend some time with my family. Unfortunately Kyle had to work so he couldn’t tag along, but I took plenty of videos and photos to make him feel like he was right there.

My parents, Stacy and I spent the weekend watching Asher and Landon explore the farm, playing games, going swimming, and trying to keep as cool as possible. This has been a hot summer for everyone in this region. Thankfully, my grandparents have irrigation sprinklers so their crops are looking a lot better than some around Hennessey.

When I think about farm life it always seems so idyllic and peaceful. You are your own boss and you spend your days enjoying nature. (Can you tell I’ve never had to do hard farm labor?) But in reality it is probably extremely stressful because there are so many factors over which you have no control. Even if you have a wonderful crop, a hail storm or drought can hit and you are left helpless with little to nothing.

Helplessness is something I’ve been feeling a lot lately as friends and family go through struggles that are completely beyond their control. Often prayers don’t feel like enough, and I wish there was something concrete I could do to make everything go back to the way it should be. But I know that isn’t my place and that God is sovereign. His plan, although it may include suffering, is always best. I may never understand it, but I can be there to comfort and support my loved ones in times of struggle. It may not fix the problem but hopefully to warms their hearts and is a reminder of God’s love for them.

Below are some photos and videos from the trip. Enjoy!

Asher got a little messy playing with Great
Grandpa's tools.
Asher gathered a little rock collection on the first
night and had fun playing with them all weekend.
He is finally big enough to play in the tree house
we used to play in when we were little.

He wanted to crawl in the irrigation pipes so badly.
Playing on the frog in the kid pool. The public pool in
Plains is very nice and we loved escaping the heat
there on Friday afternoon.
His favorite part was jumping from the ladder to Dad.
Landon slept most of the time but finally woke up
so he could take a dip before we left.
Exploring the farm on Saturday.
Watching the cows.

This is what I came home to on Saturday night.
Kyle went dirt bike riding and was FILTHY!
Seeing Landon walk on this trip was so fun! It's hard to believe that last time he was just sitting up:


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