Happy Place

What a week this has been, and it’s only Wednesday! With the tornadoes and other things going on in our life, I am emotionally spent. We are fine and luckily the weather didn't cause any damage to our home. We just lost power for a few hours, which is incredibly minor compared to those who lost their homes or loved ones yesterday. We are so thankful for that! Instead of going into everything here, I’ll just post about some of the fun I had this weekend. Sometimes it's good to forget about whatever it is that's bothering you and just go to a happy place that reminds you about all the good things in your life. For me, that happy place is usually our family.

Kyle was out of town last weekend, so I headed to Hennessey to see my nephew and attend a friend’s wedding. The wedding was beautiful and it was so nice to get to spend some time with the family. Mom, Stacy and I had a girl’s night on Friday. We went to see Something Borrowed, which was good – not the best movie I’ve ever seen, but not bad either. After that we went out for ice cream and it was so nice to just be together without all of the other distractions we're usually focused on. Too bad Lisa couldn't join us or it would have been a perfect night. She and Ty celebrated their one year anniversary last weekend, so congrats to them! Exciting stuff!

Asher is so full of energy and running around like crazy that it's hard to get good photos of him. I tried, but video is so much easier! Below are a few that I took this past weekend. I hope you enjoy. They entertained me while Kyle and I were riding out the storm in our closet! :)

Asher LOVES any kind dip and guacamole is one of his favorites. The last time they were at El Vaquero, he even ordered some himself! :) Apparently in this video he wants a little ham to go with it.

This isn't that eventful but Asher is really starting to entertain himself A LOT more than he used to. It's fun to watch him play.

He loves to play with flashlights. Sorry this is sideways! I didn't know how to flip it.

In this video Asher talks about driving us back to Kansas. I was amazed about all that he remembers from the trip we took in March. You'll have to turn up the volume to hear him.

And some photos...

After Asher's nap, Grandma asks him if he had any dreams. He usually tells her he dreamed about the ducks and goose at the park. He loves to feed them so on Sunday, we took him to Bullfoot Park. Unfortunately they weren't that interested in food, so Asher ate most of the bread himself. (It's unnatural how much that boy loves bread!)

This chair at the park made out of a stump was just his size.

Big push, mommy!

In his tunnel that was set-up in the living room. He owns that house! :)


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