Feeling Blue?

Last week I purchased stationery for myself for the very first time, which seems a little odd since I’m 25. I guess it’s a side effect of growing up in the technology age. Part of me wishes I had been born in the olden days when pen and paper were the only way people could communicate with loved ones far away. It seems so romantic. But as we all know, those days are long gone, and I suppose each of us shares some of the responsibility for that.

So I’m starting a movement to bring them back – at least in my own life. For the next year I’m going to write a letter a week to someone who has influenced my life (family, friends, co-workers, etc). I think we spend far too little time thanking people for the role they have played in our lives, and hopefully this will help me do a better job of showing my appreciation. Since the stationary I chose was black and white, I thought the envelope needed a little color. So the next time you see a blue piece of mail in your mailbox, you may just be hearing from me.

Do you do anything special to say thank you to those who have impacted your life?

Later this week (or maybe next week) I'll post a Mother's Day recap with some pictures. We haven't gotten to celebrate with Kyle's mom yet, so you'll just have to wait a little bit longer!


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