Sports and the Sheen Machine

For someone who is not a sports fan, it seems like much of our activities lately have revolved around them, but I'm not complaining. We've had a lot of fun!

In the past few weeks Kyle has been experimenting with his dirt bike. I know, I know, I've told him it's dangerous but he loves it, and does not listen. That might be unfair, I think he listens, he just doesn't agree with me. At the end of the day, I want him to have a hobby he enjoys and this time around he is taking all necessary safety precautions (wearing a helmet, etc.) so I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it.

He is so happy to be out riding on such a nice day.

Getting some air. Let's hope that's as high as he ever goes! :)

We are also in the middle of Orange Crush volleyball, the Foundation's rec league team. We have a lot of fun, but winning is not our strong suit. We've won only one practice game and lost all of our regular season games so far. But it's not about winning, although it's hard to have fun when you are getting stomped every game. Here's to hoping our game on Friday goes better!

On a side note, I don't know if you've been following all the drama with Charlie Sheen lately, but I have to say that I'm a little disgusted with it all. What does it say about us as people when we can't get enough of seeing someone self destruct? I try not to support the madness, but every time I turn on the television or check my Twitter feed, someone is talking about it. It's times like this that I loose faith in people. I try always to look for good in the world, but at the end of the day, the world is fallen. So when things like this happen, I shouldn't be surprised.

However, thinking about that has made me so thankful for all the wonderful people Kyle and I have in our lives. While cleaning on Saturday I realized every single room in our home has a least one piece of furniture given to us by family members or friends. Even though they are hand-me-downs, they are special to us. Every time I look at them, I'm reminded of where they came from and how blessed we truly are. Even if the rest of the world is full of crazies.

Speaking of blessed, some friends of ours invited us to go to the OSU vs. Baylor game with them yesterday. They had suite tickets!

Can you tell was are having a blast! :)

Kyle's brother and sister-in-law came to visit us a few weekends ago and we ate at Kyoto's. Greg and Kyle tried cracking the eggs with the spatula like the chefs do.

I know this is blurry, but Kyle was go glad I got a picture of him doing it right on his second try! He's brilliant!


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