Not So Better With Age

I came to the realization this week that the college student version of me would be very disappointed if she knew she was going to turn into the present day version of me. It seems that after graduating, I have lost the ability to organize my life outside of work.

When I was in college I was always on the go, classes every day and activities every evening. Now, I'm a boring old person who works Monday through Friday, cooks dinner in the evening and cleans on the weekend. By and large, I have less commitments now, which has made me a little lazy.

One area that I've been particularly lax in is photography. For the first time, I let my camera's memory card fill up. I know that's no big deal, but it had never happened to me before and I fear it's like my car's gas light. I went years without knowing it had one and then once I pushed it to the limit once, it happened again about every other time I filled up.

My camera holds over 500 pictures and I have photos on it from last February! Kyle offered to go with me to print them off, and I practically begged him not to go. If you've spent time with Kyle, you could probably guess that he's not very patient when it comes to dealing with large crowds. You'd be right. He wanted to go, though, so we spent 2 hours in Walmart printing and editing the photos, and I have to give him credit for being more patient than I've ever seen him. By the end of our trip he was pretty out of sorts, but he lasted much longer than I thought he would! :)

While going though my photos, I saw some fun ones that I hadn't shared with you yet, so here are a few highlights.

This was at Jerilyn's bachelorette party. We played Kiss the Hunk, which was like pin the tail on the donkey, but you get the idea. Kyle's mom won!

Me and Asher playing before he could run all over the house. Those were the days...

Stacie and I with Kyle's dad at Jerilyn's wedding. That's Kyle's silly brother in the background!

My 15 sec. of fame on Fox 25! Me and a few students were on the morning show to promote Cowboy Spirit.

Thought this was a cute one of Zach and Asher.

Like peas in a pod!

Asher at Easter.

Kyle and Nehemiah had a little bit too much fun when we went to see our first 3D movie. Kyle was super excited about winning the snail out of the claw machine. Nevermind that it cost us $10 in quarters! :) We miss the Yagers now that they don't live in Stillwater anymore!

The pretty horse that lived by our apartment complex. Kyle used to feed it apples.

Me and the new Mrs. Taylor just after Ty and Lisa's wedding!

What a wonderful father-in-law I have! :)


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