Staples and Stripes

Kyle's surgery went well on Friday, so thanks to all of you who were praying for us. He is still recovering and missed work again today, but if he feels OK in the morning, he is going to report for duty!

It was a long weekend for several reasons. 1) I had Monday off thanks to the 4th of July. 2) The days pass REALLY slowly when you are cooped up in the house. When Kyle isn't feeling well, he likes me to be in the same room with him, so if he wasn't napping, I tried to keep him company. He got control of the remote since he was the one recovering from surgery, so we watched golf and car shows ALL weekend!

We had a lot of visitors, though, including my family who "invited themselves" over on Saturday to cook dinner for us. It was really good to see everyone and the conversation was much more entertaining than what we would have otherwise been doing. Also, I got to eat some homemade ice cream, which was delicious! The 4th of July just isn't the same without it! Here are a few pictures.
Here's one of the siblings looking at Ty and Lisa's honeymoon photos. Canada is SO beautiful!

This is our adorable nephew, Asher, playing in the ottoman Terry and Cheryl gave us.

On the actual Independence Day, Kyle got to take off his bandages, which was really gross and pretty painful for him. He has 13 staples, but I'll be nice and not post pictures of that. I felt like the worst caretaker ever that day because I almost fainted while I was taking all of the bloody gauze off and then I accidentally squirted soap in his eye! That will teach him to get injured while I'm around!

We spent the day sitting on the patio watching the rain and being bummed that Stillwater canceled their fireworks show. Normally Kyle buys a bunch of fireworks and loves setting them off, but this year that wasn't an option. He did surprise me, though! After dinner, he discovered that the Macy's firework show was going to be on TV so we turned off all the lights and watched it. Even though it wasn't the real thing, it was still much more impressive than the Hennessey fireworks. :)

All in all, it was a pretty good holiday (Excluding the 1.5 hours we spent watching Hot Tub Time Machine, which I do not recommend. Judging by the name of the movie, we should have known better).
When he wasn't awake and feeling nauseous, this is what Kyle did most of the weekend.

Here we are celebrating the 4th of July!


  1. get well soon Kyle! Hang in there Abby. I feel your pain

  2. Whatever! Hot Tub Time Machine was a GREAT movie!! :)


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