The Simple Life

Kyle and I had a great weekend. On Saturday he surprised me with date night. We went out to Da Vinci’s, the new Italian restaurant in town. (I give it 1 ½ thumbs up. The food was tasty and although the bread is better at Joseppi’s, it was nice to try something new.) After that it was off to Marble Slab to pick up a fabulous ice cream cake and then back to the house to watch our wedding video. I’ve been begging Kyle to watch it with me for about a month and he finally gave in! Such great memories!

Heaven in a box!

On Sunday I had a ton of things to do around the house, including the budget. If you have ever met Kyle, you’ve probably heard him complain about our budget. He and Dave Ramsay do not get along. I’ve never loved keeping up with the budget but lately it’s gotten a lot harder because there are about a dozen things I’d rather be doing.

Last month it took me four hours to get everything to balance and after that I decided enough is enough. Don’t worry, mom, we are still keeping track of everything, but doing it the old school way is just taking WAY too long. They have online banking for a reason. I managed to avoid actually getting around to the budget last weekend so I’ll try the new way out this weekend and let you know how it goes.

There are a lot of valuable things my parents taught me, but money management has to be at the top of the list. I know a lot of people who don’t make wise financial decisions because they weren’t lucky enough to have someone guiding them along the way. They had to learn the hard way. I was fortunate enough to have a mother who has been teaching me how to spend money wisely since before I can remember. Even when we only got $2.50 allowance, she had separate folders for tithe, savings and spending. What a blessing. Now if only Kyle had grown up that way…:)

All this financial talk reminds me that I need to get to the bank before it closes. I’m taking Friday off so I can go to Hennessey to visit my nephew so I should have adorable photos up next week! Get excited!

Here's another date night pic.


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