Birds and the Bees

Despite the horrible heat, this has been a nature-filled couple of weeks for us. It started with the brilliant idea the Murphy House ladies had. (I work for the Foundation, and we purchases a historic home across the street from our main building called the Murphy House, which is were my office is. There are six of us over there. All female and Michal and I are the only ones under 50, but Michal is on maternity leave right now.)

To save OSUF a little money and spend some quality time together, us girls decided to spend a morning doing yard work. So we picked a date and prayed it wouldn't rain.

With beautiful things like this outside the Murphy House, spending a day outside should be enjoyable! Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Until...

The skies were clear that day, but unfortunately last minute things came up so three of the ladies had to cancel. Judy and I spent three hours outside trimming bushes, washing windows and getting too many mosquito bites to count. (OK, so that isn't true. I counted them, and I had 21 on ONE ankle!)

You would think I'd stay inside after that, but last weekend Kyle and I decided to spend Sunday cleaning out the garage and cleaning the outside windows, which I don't think had been touched in years. Our lovely afternoon turned into a nightmare when we discovered we had several creepy crawly friends sharing our home with us (ants galore and wasps, too). We are now professional exterminators. I feel a little bad killing bugs when they are outside, but it just isn't healthy to have those kinds of insects surrounding your home. I've never heard Kyle let out such girly yells before in my life! Now that was funny.

But as Danielle says on Real Housewives of New Jersey (which I LOVE) "Karma is a bigger b$*&% than I'll ever be!" And boy did karma come around yesterday. While I was pumping gas at the Valero, a bee flew in my car. I'm not really scared of bugs unless they can hurt me, and bees can definitely do that, so needless to say, I was a little upset. I wasn't sure what to do so I just stood there in the heat with all of my car doors open watching, waiting and hoping that it would fly out. After about 10 minutes, a second bee flew in my car! This made things a little more complicated because instead of keeping my eye on one bee, I had to keep my eye on two. So there I was drenched in sweat, circling my car with all four doors open at the gas pump. People must have thought that I had mental problems, which is probably why no one stopped to see if I needed any help. After 20 minutes, I decided enough was enough. I was positive one of them had flown out, but I couldn't get a good eye on the other one, so I sucked it up, got in my car, rolled down all the windows and drove as fast as I could to the Foundation. Needless to say, I made it out alive and told my survival story to any and all coworkers who would listen. :)

In other news, one of Kyle's friends is staying with us for a little while. He and Kyle go way back and Kyle has always loved his daughter, Laney, who is two. She is so cute and she adores Kyle. She stayed with us two nights this week, and it was a lot of fun having a kid around. Before Kyle and I got married we agreed to wait four or five years before having three kids. (Can you tell I'm a planner?) Now that we are married, Kyle keeps extending that time frame and decreasing the number of children. But I think this week has made him warm up to the idea. Don't get me wrong, we won't be trying for kids in the near future, but I would say he's gone from frostbite to shivering cold, which is a pretty big jump if you ask me.

Here's a pic of Kyle and Laney cuddling on the couch. How cute. :)

I'm super excited for this weekend because Kyle has a surprise for me on Saturday! Can't wait to find out what it is!


  1. hahahaha. I laughed out loud at this post. Knowing first hand about your extermination of the garage and yard, made it even better.. but what i found more humorous was the story about the bees. I can just see it, and cant stop laughing. Wish I coulda been there


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