Foxes invade Stillwater

We’ve had two somewhat surprise visits from the Fox family recently. It’s been great to have them in town and to get to see our ever-growing nephews and niece. 

The first ones to visit were Greg, Stacie, Henry and Ella. They came down to get their car worked on and had time to squeeze in lunch while they were here. It was a great pick-me-up, even if Kyle was busy working and couldn’t join us. When I sat down, Ella reached out for me and wanted me to hold her. She did the exact same thing with Kyle, which Stacie said was strange. I guess that rarely happens these days since she’s become a bit of a momma’s girl. She’s growing up so fast. She’s started baby food and managed to swallow a few bites of carrots during lunch. It's not her favorite thing. She’s also crawling all over the place and starting to pull up on things! 

Henry is a total chatterbox these days. He asked me all kinds of questions like how my day was, where I work, will I ever come sleep over at his house, etc. Stacie and Greg have been teaching him his full name and their full names and where they work just in case he ever gets separated from them. He has it down, let me tell you! He also had fun making friends with our server and the little girl at the table next to us. He’s going to be the life of the party. 

 This was the first time we got to see Henry's new haircut in person. What a cool dude! 

 He had to show me his truck! 

Ben and Jerilyn brought Conner down on Memorial Day weekend. They’d been in Ponca and decided to come to Stillwater for lunch since it was a long, rainy day on Sunday. We've been having LOTS of those lately, but thankfully we haven't had any flooding here like they are getting in other parts of the state. We were thrilled to have them here. Conner kept talking about dinosaurs since he’d just watched Jurassic Park. How he made it through that movie without getting scared, I have no idea! Then again, I’m a pretty big chicken.

After lunch we went back to the house and Conner had a blast throwing the ball for Oliver. Oliver was so happy to have a playmate and did so well. Conner was even brave enough to take the ball right out of Oliver’s mouth! Kyle also showed Conner the robots on the PS4. He had so much fun kicking them and watching himself on the screen. It took him a while to realize that was actually him on TV, but shortly after he did, we got quite the show! He started turning into the Hulk, lifting his shirt up and taking off his pants saying, “I’m free.” It was pretty cute.

 Conner was great entertainment for the rest of us! 

Kyle’s Mom and Dad stayed a few hours longer to help us refinish our new-to-us dining room table. Kyle loves working on projects with his Dad and they have a great time cracking jokes and bickering back-and-forth while they work. :)

It’s so great to have family around, and I’m thankful to live close to my siblings as they raise their families so I can spend time with my nieces and nephews. It might not always be like this, but I’m soaking it up while I can.

 One more picture from Memorial Day weekend.


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