Not-so Sping Break

A few weeks ago it was spring break in Oklahoma. For me that used to mean no classes and sleeping until noon. Unfortunately now it just means I get to wear jeans to work. It's kind of a bummer working when the rest of the university is off, so I decided to take a few vacation days to spend time with family. Dad and Ty were at OJAM, the Oklahoma selfbow jamboree (which most of you have probably never hear of, so here's a link). Josh and Kyle were working, so that left Mom, Stacy, me and the kids with some free time. We decided to head to the farm so we could visit the Donahue side of the family.

The day we left for Kansas, the temperatures started dropping. This was Quinn's first long car ride, so we weren't sure what to expect. A four-hour car ride with a 4-year-old and a 2-month-old can get pretty interesting, but both Asher and Quinn did great. When we passed through Meade, Asher was tired of driving, so Mom told him to play a game to help the time pass. So he asked me to play with him and then he gave me the rules. I would choose a habitat, he would make the sound of an animal in that habitat and I had to name it. That game lasted all of two seconds because apparently I do not know my animal sounds very well.

Almost the whole crew was in Kansas at some point during the weekend, aside from Trevor and my brothers. It was really fun getting to see everyone. It's been way too long. I met Levi for the first time, and Landon and Asher had fun exploring with Haley and Gary. While they were down by the creek they saw a real rattle snake! In all my years on the farm, I'm glad I've never run into one. It didn't seem to bother the boys too much and they LOVED retelling the story to everyone. But that wasn't the only strange occurrence. When we woke up on Sunday morning, there was snow on the ground! It wasn't enough to play in, but it was pretty to look at for a few hours.

Another fun part of the trip was the start of March Madness. Since we have a family bracket, we were all keeping up with scores and standings on our smart phones. (Oh my how times have changed. I can remember standing on a chair in the kitchen trying to get enough reception to get a call out when Kyle and I were dating.) Unfortunately, I didn't continue my winning streak this year, but it stayed in the family. Kyle has a whopping $57 coming his way. I hope he doesn't spend it all in one place.

On the way home, Quinn and Asher took a little more entertaining. Asher takes after his Grandpa and loves to listen to books on tape. So we listened to the Ugly Duckling and played the song at the end about a thousand times. But before I knew it, we were home and the break was over.

I am so thankful to get a little R&R every now and then, and even more thankful to get to spend that time with these little ones.    

We made a pit stop in Woodward. Mom told Asher she remembered where a nice playground was, so we drove across town to find it. When we got there, it was not as nice as we had remembered, but Asher still had a blast. 

He brought eight horses with him and he had so much fun throwing each one off the edge and then doctoring them up. 

This little girl was a perfect angel! Not only did she do well on the drive, but when we got to Kansas, she pretty much slept, ate and laid happily under her play gym the whole time. Well, except for when she was getting cuddles from grandmas and aunts.

Levi and Quinn checking each other out. 

Mamo's Girl 

Even Levi got in on the fun. 

After the Brocks and Morrisons left, Asher talked us into exploring the shelter belt with him. We then ended up as spectators at a horse show as Asher came in and out of the trailer as different breeds of horses.

I remembered taking Asher's picture by the tractor wheel a few years ago, so I thought we should get an update. I can't believe how grown up our little guy is! 

The wolf did not appreciate getting its picture taken. 


On the way back, we stopped in Enid to see Josh's new barber shop. He's been working night and day to get his new location ready. He's set to move by the end of the month, and I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

Back in Hennessey, Asher got Grandpa up to speed on all of the Kansas happenings. 


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