Weekend Adventures

Happy Tuesday! I am loving the summer so far because although I am still plenty busy at work, things are a little more laid back. That is a common trait of all my summers in Stillwater so far.

This past weekend, I had the best time going to the Miss Oklahoma pageant (of all places). Kim and Krissi wanted to go so I tagged along. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. They were celebrating the 40th year of the pageant under the organization of the Kiwanis of Tulsa. Most of the old Miss Oklahomas and Miss Americas were there. Parts of it were a little lame, but it was fun to watch it with girlfriends and give a little commentary on each contestant and who we thought would win.

We followed that up with a lazy Sunday. We were supposed to golf but we chickened out because of the wind. This is NOT a good thing considering I have a golf tournament a week from tomorrow, and I haven't played picked up a golf club in over a year. My poor teammates! Thank goodness it's a scramble.

I have no pictures from this weekend, so I'll share a few from the one before that. It was a busy one since we went to Hennessey on Saturday and then Greg, Stacie and Henry came to visit on Sunday.

Josh celebrated the 1-year anniversary of BlueJay's Barber Shop on June 1st. That's just one of many big developments at the Ward house. 1) Asher is now in a big boy bed. He handled the transition amazingly well and doesn't yet realize that he has the power to get out of bed by himself. He still calls Stacy in the morning to come get him, or at least he did when we made our visit a few weeks ago. I'm sure it won't be long until he figures that one out! 2) Asher's bed will soon be in a new location because Josh and Stacy are moving! They closed on a house in Hennessey on June 4 and plan to move in by July 1. I plan to go down there and help them get the house ready, so I might get a few pictures of that up on the blog. 3) Asher is potty training. This did not go as smoothly as the big boy bed. In fact, he had two accidents while we were there. Poor Stacy having to wash all that underwear. I am glad to report that he is doing much better now, though. It just took him a few weeks to get the hang of it.

Such a little cheese ball! 

Don't you just love his fashion choices and that expression on his face?

 Big boy bed!

We were so excited to have Greg, Stacie and Henry pay us a little visit. It's been far too long since we've seen them and it was so good to catch up. The guys went golfing while the girls and Henry hung out at the house and did a little shopping. Henry is getting so big! He's a little over 5 months now and seems pretty content most of the time. He is very vocal, especially when he is in his bouncer. Also, his diet now includes baby food. He tried peas for the first time during this visit. I don't think they were his favorite, but he ate them!

 Not quite sure what to think about these peas. 

About a week after he was at our house, Stacie called to tell us they saw him roll over from his back to his tummy for the first time. He's growing up so fast! 

Hanging out with Uncle Kyle

They stayed at our house overnight and Henry did so well! I didn't hear him until I woke up and was getting ready for work. I even got a little cuddle time before leaving the house. Which, BTW, is a LOT harder when there is a baby there. I can't imagine how hard it would be if it's your own!  I give a lot of credit to all the working moms out there.

Well that's all I have to report for now. I hope you all have a great week!


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