Short Week

There’s almost nothing better than a 2 ½ day work week, which is what I got this week. I haven’t blogged in a while because I have been on a little trip. I took last Friday off to go to Hennessey for a few days before heading out of town, but more on that later.

I told Stacy I wanted to come down and help her with the new house. I was thinking I might be in for some painting, decorating, talking furniture arrangement; you know, the fun stuff! But instead, they needed help with yard work. I could hardly contain my excitement! At least I’m getting good at it after our little project earlier this summer.

Although it was hot and humid, it didn’t turn out to be that bad. It helped that I spent most of the day entertaining the little man while the others did the heavy lifting. Here is a little before and after action of the outside. Josh and Stacy say they still have a long way to go, but they’ve made so much progress already!

 Josh took the ivy off with the help of a friendly neighbor. It came down a lot easier than they thought it would. 

On Saturday, Zach and I got to play 9 holes of golf. It turned out to be a really good day because we both played really well. I needed to practice for the OSUF golf scramble on Wednesday in which we placed 2nd BTW! Some say it’s because of the experienced fifth man we added to our team at the last minute, but I think it’s because I got a little training from this golf pro:

That same day, Kyle sold his dirt bike! He's had it up for sale for a while because most of his riding buddies have either moved or don't ride much anymore. Recently a few of them have been in pretty bad wrecks, and Kyle decided he'd rather sell the bike and do something else with that money. (Much to my relief!) So he went on one last farewell ride before getting rid of it. He already misses it, but I'm sure he'll find another hobby in about 2.5 seconds. 

Sunday was Father’s Day and we had fun celebrating as a family. We are very lucky to have such wonderful dads on both sides of the family! If only we could be two places at once…

It was a wine-themed Father's Day. Isn't this sign that Ty and Lisa made for him so cool! They did it with an old fence and a little paint. The Hennessey Wine and Chocolate Festival won't know what hit it when he shows up with that! :) 

Dad and us kids. 

Grandma and Grandpa Donahue were in town for our trip so they got to celebrate with us.

We are off to Derby for the weekend, but hopefully before we leave I'll get another post up about our vacation. Have a good one! 


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