Surprises > Plans

Lately I've gotten several surprises, which remind me of just what a magical time of year this is.

My most recent surprise was given to me yesterday. There's a little diddy by the Carpenters that goes "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down," and they were right on! Yesterday was a double whammy because it was rainy ALL day on the Monday before the Christmas holiday. Needless to say, it seemed like a long work day. Just before I was about to head out the door, Erin, one of my coworkers, came in to give me my Christmas present. I thought it was so sweet of her to think of me, but I had no idea just how sweet she was until I opened my gift. It was an apron she had sewed for me! I cannot tell you how excited I was! Not because I had another apron (although that's pretty thrilling), but because she was so thoughtful and cared enough to spend HOURS working on something with me in mind. What a thoughtful gift. Kyle, take notes!

The other surprises involve my favorite thing the the whole world - getting to see my nephews! Jerilyn interrupted my bathroom cleaning on Saturday to tell me she and Conner were on their way to town. You can imagine how disappointed I was to have to entertain them instead of cleaning toilets...NOT. We had a fund day together. Conner is getting so big. He can roll over all on his own and although he is only 4 months old, he's wearing 6-9 month clothes! His last name may be Payne, but there is no denying that he's a Fox boy! :)

Uncle Kyle and Conner 

Also on Saturday, Kyle had planned a date night for us to see Kingfisher in Lights and then stay the night in Hennessey. As it turns out, that was the same night Mom, Dad, Stacy, Josh and Asher had planned to see the lights. We ended up crashing their party, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It's so much fun doing something like that with a 2-year-old. His cute little voice was full of excitement as he shouted out "There's a wellow candy cane, and a blue candy cane, and a RED candy cane!"

 Uncle Kyle's stocking cap is just a LITTLE too big. 

 Waiting to see the horse-drawn carriages because this boy is obsessed with horses.

 Asher loved the bridge and wanted to run the entire length of it!

I am sure there will be plenty of surprises to come since Christmas is only days away and this planner couldn't be more excited about that!


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