1 Month And Counting...

Decker is officially six weeks old today, so it's about time that I get around to posting his one month update. Sorry for the radio silence lately. Suddenly, I seem to have far less downtime than I once had. When Decker was just over a week old, I remember telling my sister I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself for 11 1/2 weeks of maternity leave since Decker slept all day. She said that would change, and, boy, was she right! I can't complain, though. He is an awesome baby.

Week 1 
You can read all about it here.

Week 2 
This was the first week on our own, and I'd say it was pretty busy. I was nervous about being able to handle everything, but thanks to a few pop-in visitors and meal deliveries, we did pretty well. It would still take me a little bit of time to get completely comfortable going places with Decker, but the few trips we did take out of the house went well. Here are some highlights.
  • We had our first newborn photo shoot here at the house. Decker slept almost the entire time! 
  • Decker attended his first Superbowl party at Brandon and Krissi's house. The Patriots beat the Falcons in the first-ever overtime. We only made it until halftime, so we had to hear about the exciting ending that next morning. 
  • Aunt Stacy came to help us get to Decker's first doctor's appointment on time. He had a blowout right before we were supposed to leave, so I was very thankful to have an extra set of hands. I was so frazzled on the way that we went to the hospital instead of the doctor's office! Decker's appointment went well once we finally got there, though. He weighed in at 6lbs. 4oz. and the doctor seemed to think he would have no trouble hitting his birth weight by our next appointment. 
  • We made our first trip to the Murphy House to visit my coworkers and to make copies of some paperwork. 
  • We took our first family walk and enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather. Everyone had a good time, including Oliver, who has been a little neglected lately.
  • We had our second newborn photo shoot at a studio downtown. It was a lot longer, but Decker did a great job at this one, too. 
  • Kyle turned 32, and we had our first real date night. Mamo and Poppy watched Decker since they were passing through town on their way home from Kansas City.  
  • Decker settled into a regular eating pattern, feeding for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours during the day. At night, he ate every 4-5 hours, with us waking him up to eat about half the time. 
Week 3
The third week was pretty smooth sailing. I was getting more comfortable taking Decker places and he continued to keep the same eating/sleeping schedule.
  • We took Decker out to eat for the first time. We went to Jimmy's Egg for brunch with our lifegroup. It went really well, aside from the fact that his car seat got bumped a few times and nearly fell over. He slept through it all, though. 
  • Decker got his first real bath!
  • Decker's first holiday to celebrate was Valentine's Day...he wasn't that impressed! 
  • We tried tummy time for the first time and he enjoyed it for a few minutes. 
  • We arrived at our second doctor's appointment solo with no issues. Decker weighed in at 6lbs. 12oz. Dr. Shreck though he looked like his daddy. 
  • Laundry really ramped up this week. Somehow Decker managed to poop and pee on at least three outfits a day. I am trying to get much faster at changing diapers! 
  • Kyle's hernia surgery was on Thursday of this week. We were so grateful that Nana could come down and help us out! I went to the hospital with Kyle until they took him back and then we swapped places so I could feed Decker. She stayed until Sunday and helped with pretty much anything we needed cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, diaper changes, etc.  
Week 4
Decker and Kyle got lots of bonding time this week. Decker started being awake a lot more during the day, and we stopped waking him up at night to feed. He started getting fussy in the evenings because of gas pain, so we spent lots of time holding and bouncing him. But the best part of this week was seeing him smile for the first time!
  • Decker met Great Grandma and Grandpa Fox as well as Grandpa John. 

  • Nighttime is much more peaceful. Now that we don't wake him to eat, he goes 6 1/2 hours between feedings. Daytime feedings now take 30 minutes about every 3 hours. 
  • Decker smiles for his Daddy, but not so much for his Mommy! 

  • We took our first family trip to Hennessey. Decker did great and seems to love being in the car, just like his Daddy!

  • Decker and I hosted our first Bachelor watch party this week. Aunt Kim cuddled him for most of the night. 
  • We gave Decker his first gas drops and they seemed to help. He still gets the hiccups daily, but they don't seem to bother him.
  • We finally put together Decker's bouncer, and he loves it!
    Month one went by like a blink. Looking back at these pictures reminds me of how much our little boy has changed in just a few weeks. It's hard to imagine what he'll look like in the months to come. 


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