
Even though we had a great time on our trip to Branson last month, there was a bit of a cloud over the trip because the day before we left Kyle’s dog Zoey passed away. It was very sudden and has been hard for his whole family. His parents came down a few weekends ago and brought some old pictures and we smiled as we looked through them remembering what a huge, lovable, gentle giant she was. She came into the family just shortly after Kyle and I started dating, so I felt we always had a special connection. Plus, she didn’t lick me, so she was always my favorite.

Kyle was determined not to like her because he had found a stray dog that his parents didn’t let him keep just weeks earlier. However, it didn’t take long for her to melt his heart. They were best buds and he had so much fun goofing around and cuddling with her. She is most definitely missed! Here are some pictures I was able to find of a boy and his sweet Zodie Zo.


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