
Over the holidays Asher said some pretty funny things and Mom and Dad told us stories of some of the things he’s said recently, so I thought I’d do a post about it. Asher is only 3 but he talks so much like an adult. There is nothing more fun than listening to him! I can’t wait until Conner and Henry start talking!

Asher saw some cows coming up across the street at my parents house. I said, "Asher, tell Uncle about those cows." And he said, "Well, Mark Cameron takes care of the cows but Jean Ann owns the property."

Mom told us the other day when they were going into the grocery store Asher said he needed his shoes and socks off because his feet were hot. This boy would live without pants, socks and shoes if he could. My Mom told him that businesses usually have a sign that says, “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” She then asked if he understood what that meant. She said, “It means that if you don’t have your shirt on or your shoes on, you can’t go in and shop.” He looked at her, clearly thinking that over, and said, “Well what about your pants?”

Some of Asher's favorite things to do include playing Oklahoma City Zoo in his baby bed (kill me now ;)) and getting worked over. Here's a video of Uncle Kyle working him over.

We were eating lunch and somehow the subject went to cats. We were talking about all of our old cats and how they died. Asher asked something about cougar. Stacy said, “Do you mean Adler’s cat, Cougar.” And Asher said no and just continued to sit there and think. He said, “Cougar the…” I said, “Cougar the animal?” and Asher said, “No, Cougar... the wild predator that goes rawwr.” We were all cracking up! The man who used to live in our house had a pet cougar that he kept in the back yard. Apparently Dad had been telling him stories about it.

Mom had told me that Asher was asking for a Fontanini nativity scene for Christmas, so I asked Asher what he wanted. “A Fontanini nativity.” I said, “What’s that?” And he said, “Oh it’s just the one Valerie Bregenzer has at her house. There’s a bunch of animals and it’s nice but you can still play with them.” Santa didn’t end up bringing him that, but I don’t think he noticed. Maybe next year! :)

Kyle and Asher were playing catch a few days before Christmas. One time when he missed the ball he said, "Oh, nutcrackers!" 

Stacy, Josh and Asher went to Texas to celebreate Christmas with Josh's family. While they were there, Josh slipped on the ice an tore the door handle off of the car. It was pretty hilarious listening to Asher tell the story.

And finally, as Zach was leaving, Asher said in the cutest little deep voice, "I hope you find your dad." Just like Mr. Norwhal did on Elf. We all laughed and as Zach was getting in the car, he said "drive safely."


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