Everyone's Busy

As one of my not so kind or subtle coworkers reminded me yesterday, this is a busy time for everyone. I thought it was just me, but now I remember that there is a little thing called OSU Homecoming today, so everyone's busy. Thank goodness she relayed that information, or I would have been completely in the dark. :) As you can tell, I'm not quite over it, but we've moving on...

I know we are all busy living life because my blogroll has been pretty pathetic lately. I’m always excited for 5 p.m. to roll around so I can check my blogs and see what everyone has been up to, but lately there are few if any updates waiting on me. If only more of my friends would blog, but that’s a post for another day.

Since Halloween is now only days away, I thought I’d share some fun photos/videos from the annual Taylor Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza. (I came up with that name so maybe Kyle and Zach will be excited about it next year. I’m not holding my breath.) Enjoy! I will post Homecoming pictures and TRY to get caught up next week.

I love getting little seasonal gifts for my nephews. We got Asher a musical book that plays the Monster Mash and other Halloween noises.

Asher and his pumpkin. It was just the right size. He loved having the pumpkins out in the front yard, and Mom said he played pumpkin farmer about every day.

Asher was napping while we carved our pumpkins so when it was his turn, he had quite the audience!

Here are the finished products. I think most people liked Zach's the best. Ty and Lisa couldn't join us this year, but Steyan and Cheryl came over just as we were finishing up!

Asher is so full of energy! After playing around with his aunt and uncles all day he was still chasing balls in the back yard with Dad before dinner.

Our pumpkins! Kyle didn't want to take them home because he was afraid they would get smashed, but they looked great sitting on our porch.

We had a wienie roast and Asher wanted to roast his own hot dog. Asher is getting so big! Over Fall Break, he quit using his binky and although Stacy was worried about it, it went very well.


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