Getting Better

It's been an extremely emotional month for a few reasons, but, for today, I will just focus on one of them. I had my follow-up appointment with Dr. Moxley in OKC on Monday, and she said all looks great. I'm healed from the surgery, and they'll continue to monitor my hCG levels for at least the next six months. 

The weeks just after my surgery were hard. All I had wanted was to get back to normal life, but normal life felt so empty to me all of the sudden. My first days back in the office drug on as I struggled to focus on anything without getting distracted by the events of the past week. On Thursday, I decided to post about what we were going through, and I am so glad I did. The outpouring of support we have gotten from all of you has been truly incredible. SO MANY PEOPLE have been through something similar, and it has been good to see how they've all moved on to have happy, joyful lives. I know the same will be true for us. It just takes time.

One of my friends told me early on that these next few months would be a roller coaster and, so far, she's right. I truly do feel at peace about everything the majority of the time, and I am so thankful for that. But with my hormones changing, there are also times that I lose all control of my emotions. Like when the doctor called to give me results from my first blood test. The news was good. My levels were dropping just as they should be. Yet, for some reason, after that phone call, I just started crying. 15 minutes passed, then 30, then 45. I finally gave up, came home from work early and proceeded to cry almost all evening. My poor, sweet husband didn't know what to do and neither did I. In my mind, it was completely illogical to have such an outburst when my situations was no different than it had been the day before. But, thankfully, Kyle understood that logic had nothing to do with it and he just sat there and held me.

As the days go on, I have fewer and fewer of those incidents. My hormones are almost back to their normal levels, and I can tell because I feel more like myself. That doesn't mean I don't have hard days, but during those times, I'm able to put things in perspective and make a choice not to let the bitterness and sadness overwhelm me.

We've been trying to turn this negative situation into a positive as much as we can. So we decided to use my follow-up appointment as an excuse for a night out in Bricktown. It was a much-needed getaway, and I am so glad we did it. Now we are setting our sights on the next six months. We essentially have to put family planning on hold, so we need something else to focus on. Today we started running. Our goal is to complete a half marathon. It is something I've always wanted to do, and it sounded great in theory, but I only made it 2 miles. We definitely have a long way to go!

We stayed at the Colcord because it reminded me of my Saxsum days. 

It was right across from the Myriad Gardens, so after dinner out at Mickey Mantle's, we took a stroll. 

It was a little warm but beautiful. Plus, there happened to be a concert that night, so we enjoyed some music while we walked. 

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful for them and for you.


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