Marpril Updates

Somehow, March turned to April and the month is now more than half over. I'm a bit behind, so instead of a bunch of individual blogs, I thought I'd just make one big recap for you. The thing we've enjoyed most about the last two months is the spring weather we've been having. It's so nice to get outside, work on the yard and enjoy the sunshine.

 Kyle was sick for about a week after we got home from our trip. It was pretty brutal, but Oliver kept him company. 

 In March, we went to Ponca one Sunday to celebrate Kyle's parent's wedding anniversary.

 I didn't get any pictures of the adults, but we had fun sitting in the living room and watching Conner play. He is so focused and it is cool to see his little mind working away.

 Being a dog owner is so much more enjoyable in spring than it is in the winter. Oliver and I love taking long walks on Saturdays. 

 We have the most beautiful sunsets in Oklahoma.

 Mom and Dad came down to spend the night one weekend. They needed some things for the remodel at Lowe's and while we were there, Kyle fell in love with this power washer. 

 Oliver and I were not impressed because it meant spending the rest of our Sunday washing cars. :)

 Kyle's parents also paid us a visit. The guys replaced a few boards on the patio awning while us girls took Oliver for a walk and soaked up some sun. 

 Oliver supervised from the trailer. He jumped in there himself and then couldn't figure out how to get out. 

 Jordan, one of my coworkers, had her baby girl in April! She was in labor for over 48 hours, so we made this little labor of love basket to help her through. I have seen her three times since giving birth and am so impressed by how effortlessly she handles it all. Andie is so lucky to have such a fabulous, capable mommy.

 Stacy needed to run some errands on Good Friday, so she and the kids came to Stillwater so I could tag along. Hobby Lobby isn't exactly kid friendly, but we found a Duck Tape display that kept Quinn entertained.

...well that, and watching her silly brother. 

 Then we headed back to the house for some indoor egg hunting. 

 And Asher finally got his jelly beans. 

 On Easter Sunday, we went to church in Hennessey to watch Asher sing a few songs. This picture was taken in Mom's new kitchen before church. They remodeled it throughout the month of March and it looks AMAZING. They also remodeled their master bath, but I didn't get any pictures of that. 

 The Ward Family 

 Little Miss Quinn has been Aunt Abby's girl lately. She always asks for me, and she didn't want me to put her down that afternoon.

 I was rocking glasses on Easter because I had a consultation for LASIK the next week. Kyle had a great time watching and playing along with the Price is Right while I was back in the exam room. He and that lady were BFFs by the end of the morning. 

 It was a Tuesday, so we had the rest of the day off with some time to kill. Kyle decided he wanted to go to a golf store just to try out some clubs. 

 He ended up coming home with a new set! 

 And, of course, he had to try them out on the golf course. 

It was a beautiful day, so we decided to end it by going to the last home tennis match of the season. It was our first time at the outdoor courts and we were blown away. What an awesome tennis center we have now!


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