The big 3-0

On February 9, Kyle turned 30. Three whole decades old! He didn't seem bothered by exiting his 20s, but he was a little disappointed that we couldn't go to Vegas to celebrate his birthday. We were leaving on our trip shortly after so it just didn't make sense for him to take off for a birthday trip, too. I offered to organize something big here to get all our friends together, but he opted for a low key birthday. Instead, a few members of both families came to Stillwater for a little food and conversation.

 Greg needed some work done on his truck so he and Henry came down to take us out for lunch at Eskimo Joe's. Henry of course brought his trucks! 

 Kyle's parents came later that day and took us out for dinner. 

 Kyle requested his usual day-old chocolate on chocolate cake. 

 Later in the week the Taylor side came to town. Grandma and Grandpa Donahue were visiting, so they came with Mom, Dad, Stacy, Asher and Quinn. 

Asher was a little disappointed with this birthday party. He kept asking when everyone was going to get there. Thank goodness we had cake or he would have been really bummed. 

He loved Uncle Kyle's new PS4, though. And Quinn seemed to be enjoying herself, too.

I asked Kyle to tell me what he remembers most from his 20s. All he could come up with was that he got married and his insurance got cheaper. As you can see, he's real sentimental! :) Overall I think he'd say it was a pretty great decade for him. Happy birthday, Babe! I can't wait to see what the next 10 years will hold.


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