Halloween Fun

Halloween was on a Friday this year, which worked out perfectly. The holiday kind of snuck up on me, so I didn't go all out for my work party like last year. This year, I just put on a witch's hat for a few hours and enjoyed handing out candy to my coworkers' adorable children. It's always fun to see the different costumes and the creativity of some parents. That intimidates me a little if Kyle and I end up having kids who want obscure costumes. I may just have to recruit Jordan for help in that case.

 Hudson the roly poly. 

 Sam the dragon. He was having a great time. Once he got his costume on, he came out saying, "Look at me!" He also wiggled his tail for us. It was precious! 

 Darth Vader joined the party as well. 

 Little red riding hood and the cutest little wolf you ever did see!

 Robyn had my favorite adult costume by far as Rickie Fowler! And her little Mickey and baby dragon (not pictured) were pretty cute as well. 

 But the most impressive costume goes to the quads! 

 Their mom made their costumes and the Crayola box around their stroller. Is there anything this woman can't do?! 

 This little Buzz just melted my heart. Watching him climb the stairs with those wings on was priceless.

After work, I came home and put Oliver in his costume. He was one dashing little doggy if I do say so myself! When I bought the costume, I thought he could wear it while we passed out candy. Obviously I wasn't thinking that through. There was no WE when it came down to it. Oliver was just a little too excited to have company, so he had to hang out by himself in the TV room while I doled out the candy. We had probably close to 15 trick-or-treaters this year, which is pretty good for us. But my favorite little one was Miss Morgan in her zebra costume. What a doll.

 He was getting tiring of photos by this time, so we moved it outside for a few more before I quit trying. 

 When will this torture stop?

The next morning, Kim and I went out to Boomer Lake to support the first Walk for Apraxia put on by NSSLA. It was cold and windy, but I was proud to be walking on Team Sam! We even snagged a photo with Pistol Pete before heading to Panera for some warm soup.


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