Welcome Back

As I write this the theme song from Welcome Back Kotter is playing in my head because it's been way too long since I was a regular around here. Part of that is because the fall at OSU is full of excitement, fun and lots and lots of work. But the other reason for my absence is three pronged: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. That's right, I've been reading, which is a little abnormal for me. I don't dislike reading once I start a good book, it's getting around to starting that's so excruciating. I blame it on the third grade when I was in the remedial reading class and had to do eye exercises. Then again, the timed reading portion of the ACT certainly didn't help matters. (I am living proof you can get a 14 on that section and still ace college. Take that timed tests!) But that was about a decade ago, so I guess it's time to let that go. I wasn't sure if I'd like the Hunger Games based on the premise, but I was pleasantly surprised, so I recommend it for any recovering remedial readers out there.

Other than reading, our nights have been busy with Life Group, volleyball and Bunko, while our weekends have been busy with family, friends and football. Here are some pictures of all you've been missing. My goal for November is to start posting once a week again, so get ready for a little more YBH in your life.

 We made it back to Hennessey for the third annual Wine and Chocolate Festival, which had quite a large crowd. Dad's booth was busy all night and we decided he needs someone to help him pour next year so he'll have a little more time to talk to people.  I volunteered Kyle. :)

 At the end of September, I took my very first trip to the Northeast when we attended the ADRP Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. It was no Chicago, but we had a fun time, and I was so happy to have the opportunity to go. 

 There wasn't much around our hotel, but Jordan liked learning about all the statues. I don't remember this guy's story, but I'm sure she could tell you.

 I work with such beautiful ladies. We are so happy to have Caroline back at OSU! We were in StuFu together, so we go way back. 

 I didn't even notice this fence until Matt pointed it out, but how cool is that?! 

 After dinner on the second night we went to explore Brown University so Jordan could check it off her bucket list.

 Just inside those gates we met a police officer named R. Kelly. He was a very interesting guy who told us all kinds of things about Brown and recent crimes in the area. After we got done talking to him, we decided it might be a good idea to head back to the hotel.

 On our last night, we ate wonderful pasta in the Federal Hill District. 

 On this trip, I learned what a flight of wine was. I didn't think Michal and Jordan would be able to get through their glasses, but I underestimated the fine art of dining in Providence. I think this meal took at least three hours from start to finish.

 It's all about presentation. And, yes, we were total nerds taking pictures of our food.

 On our last day, we got to explore in the daylight, which was much better. 

 We made it to the Capitol on the last day of the conference, which was day 2 of the 2013 Government Shutdown. 

 Every now and then you would find a few trees starting to turn, which makes me really excited to come back some day in the middle of fall.

 A few days after I got back, we went to the OSU vs. Kansas State game with Tom and Krystal. We had a great time!


 And because I got so used to fine dining in Providence, Kyle decided to make me pancakes one night. Unfortunately he was determined to make the biggest pancakes I've ever seen. He only made it about halfway through, but I was very proud of him for NOT cleaning his plate! 

We were at the Masons for Life Group and Kyle and Konner were best buds. Kyle loves playing with the kids on Wednesday nights. 

 And while I'm reading, this is where you can find Kyle...

 Getting the Camaro all cleaned up for the Ron Shirley car show. 

 What a sweet ride! You can't see it here, but he did put a "please don't touch" sign on his dashboard. SMH

 And this past Sunday was nice enough to take it out for a spin with the t-tops off. Have I mentioned I love fall...


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