Christmas in July

For Christmas this year, Kim and I got Trey and Kyle tickets to Team Texas so they could get behind the wheel of a NASCAR. The tickets were good for a year, so we weren't in any hurry to plan a trip. Time kind of got away from us and by the time we got around to picking a weekend, July 13 was pretty much the only one that worked before the busyness of fall set in.

So a few weeks ago, we took a little road trip to Ft. Worth and had the best time! It was so nice to get away, even if it was just for the weekend. I was a little worried Kyle wouldn't like it as much as I thought he would, but I had nothing to worry about. He had a blast. All he can talk about is doing it again. It was definitely the best gift I've ever given him and it was so much fun for me to watch him having such a good time. It will be hard topping this one.

Kim was so organized and did most of the planning. She even thought to bring interstate bingo for the drive down. Unfortunately for her, I won both times and got to take home this sweet pair of shades. 

 The boys were pretty giddy by the time we got to the hotel on Friday night. Maybe it was nerves or just pure excitement, but the last few hours were like traveling with two 12-year-olds. 

 Getting ready to enter Texas Motor Speedway early Saturday morning! 

 The boys got really tired of taking pictures. 

 Here are all the cars! 

 Team Texas is a well oiled machine. The entire day was run very well and the staff was wonderful. Before they could get out on the track, there was some pretty thorough training that totally freaked Kim and me out. We were very glad not to be driving after hearing all of the things the drivers had to remember and what all could go wrong. 

 Then it was off to the track for more training. They were split up into groups and then put into 12-passenger white vans to go around the track with the instructors pointing out critical markers and such. It was pretty funny watching the vans speed around the track like that.

 Then it was time to wait. The guys were in heat 5, so they probably had about an hour and half from the time training was over to when they were getting in their cars. All of the waiting made Kyle a little nervous for what was about to come.

 But before we knew it, it was time to suit up! 

 It was pretty hot, which was one of our main concerns about going in July, but it wasn't unbearable. Kyle even said that by the time he got in the car, he never had time to think about how hot he was. 

 Kyle got the lead car, which just so happened to be his favorite color. The instructor helps them get settled in the car and then rides with them, giving them hand signals on what to do. They don't have a brake or steering wheel or anything, so they have to be very brave to climb in a car with people who have no idea what they're doing. 

 All buckled in and ready to ride. 

 And then they were off. They push them with a four-wheeler out of the pit area and then have them shift from 2nd to 4th gear on their own. All of this happens in the first lap, so after that, all they had to worry about was pressing the accelerator at the right time and steering the car in the right direction. I had no idea that those cars were made to veer left, so keeping them straight is quite the job.

Kyle was in the lead the whole time and even got to pass two other cars! His top speed was the car's top speed at 150 mph. He was in heaven. Here is a video. Trey is in the 29 car. 

 Before we knew it, his 10 laps were up and Kyle was shaking hands with his instructor.

 Can you tell he had a good time? 

The experienced drivers.

After the race, we went out for lunch at a wonderful little Italian place. Before we left, Kyle took a shower and when he got out, his hands were still shaking from all the adrenaline. He loved it. We hung out by the pool for the rest of the day, but Kyle only made it an hour or so. This is how I found him when I got back up to the room. 

That night we had dinner with Trey's old roommate Chris and his wife, Kim. We ate at Boi Na Braza, a Brazilian restaurant in Grapevine. It was endless meat, which Kyle loved, but my favorite was the cheesecake for dessert! After dinner we had a drink at Ginger Man. Unfortunately, we didn't think to get a group photo. 
On Sunday, we left in time to stop at Two Frogs in Ardmore for lunch. Kyle ordered the frog legs. He wasn't that impressed. It rained on us the entire ride home, but we still had a good chunk of day to rest and relax from the busy weekend. 

I am so glad we planned this trip. It was so nice to do something fun with friends and since we had to purchase this little baby two days before leaving, it may be one of the only vacations we take for a little while. Oh the joys of home ownership!



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