Livin' the Dream

I'm a fairly simple person. In fact, if I were an ice cream flavor, I'd probably be vanilla. Boring, I know. I sometimes dream of being strawberry, but that's a little more messy and not everyone likes strawberry, so vanilla it is. I am still learning to fully embrace this about myself.

I was playing a game with the StuFu kids on the way to our exec retreat one year. One of the questions was, if you could have any house in the world, what would it be? Haylee, our current president, said the Buckingham Palace. I believe her reasoning was because she could stay in a different room every night and she would never have to clean. What a dreamer she is! I said something extremely normal because that's just the way I think. It's not that I don't have big dreams, it's just that that my dreams aren't necessarily of the earth-shattering variety.

I dream about making an impact in someone else's life just when they need it most; being the best wife, sister, daughter, aunt, friend, (someday mother) I can be; showing God's love to even those who don't show me love; and the list goes on... That's why this past weekend, and a few before that, were simply wonderful. I got to be with my family and spend time doing the things that really matter to me. Here are some photos/videos from the past few weeks.

 Celebrating February birthdays in Norman. 

Grandma and Grandpa Donahue came down for a visit while their gas line was being repaired so we made a weekday trip to Hennessey for a wienie roast. Asher had to show us his "new" horse, Spirit.

 Diego was a little more interesting than the camera. 

 What a cutie! Henry seemed so much bigger than the last time we saw him. It's obvious that his feedings are going more smoothly. He can roll over already. So advanced!

Uncle Kyle has so much fun with Conner now that he gibbers and can crawl. The family thinks Conner looks a lot like Kyle when he was little.
 We were together celebrating Patti and Jerry's 35th Anniversary. What a great example they are to their grandsons! 

 Ben and Brad both got home in March! We are so happy to have them safely returned to us. 

 I took Friday afternoon and Monday off so I could go to Kansas with Mom, Dad, Stacy and Asher. He says he wants to be a farmer when he grows up, so he was right at home in his new cowboy boots! :)

 As you can imagine, Asher didn't stay dry for long. This was right after I got roped into moving irrigation pipe. How did that happen?

The horses didn't care to come see us this time. Asher was a little disappointed, but I think he likes watching them more than he does petting them, anyway.

Asher played catch for the longest I've ever seen him do that this past weekend. He had so much fun with it! He's not quite as good as Landon, though.

All weekend, Asher kept telling the same story about when he and Grandpa were visiting the cows and he thought a badger was coming to get him. I'm sure the Victors didn't hear it enough, so this is especially for them! :) 


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