
 So much has changed since my last post. I'm now a whole year older, which was made very apparent to me today when I was taking a survey. Instead of the 18-25 box, I'm now in the 26-35 box. I have mixed feelings about this, but overall I'm happy to have another blessed year under my belt.

Things at work have been moving right along, which is why I haven't taken time to post in the last few weeks. Hopefully I can update you about that later. For now, I'll share two things that stood out to me on the 26th anniversary of my birth.

1. I was having bad allergies that week. That is somewhat rare for me but it has been happening more and more the older I get. When I was complaining to Mom about it during one of our daily talks, she said she didn't have trouble with her allergies until she was pregnant with me. She then said, "You'll be 26, right? That's exactly how old I was when I was pregnant with you." What a strong woman she was! I can't imagine being pregnant with my second child at this age. I don't know how many more years it will take for me to get comfortable with that scenario, but I still have time, right?

2. At 26, I thought I'd heard all the stories there were to hear about my birth, but my Dad surprised me with a new one. I was born a month past my due date. Dad has told me many times he was very worried about me. I guess people would come into the grocery store and tell him horror stories of babies that had been born that late. (BTW, why does no one have a filter when it comes to pregnancy? You'd think common courtesy would prevent you from doing things like this. But I digress...) This year Dad told me that of all the kids, my birth was the only one that brought tears to his eyes because he was just so relieved everything was OK. That was such a cool thing to learn, and it also made me thankful for all of the parents I know who've been able to cry tears of joy during that moment.

Well I'd better be going. The season finale of the Bachelor is at my house tonight. I don't think I'm going to be pleased with his choice, but I rarely ever am! Here is a picture from last week's watch-party. Chili's Chocolate Molten Lava Cake to-go was my birthday treat. Aren't Kim and Krissi the best?!


  1. Happy Birthday! I will join the 26 club next week. I'm sure it's going to be a great one :)

    1. Thanks, Emily! I'm only about a week in but so far, so good. I hope Cody and Daisy spoil you rotten! :)


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