Standin' in the Hall of Fame

Last month my Dad was inducted into the Hennessey High School Hall of Fame. Zach isn't home from Texas yet so he had to miss the fun, but the rest of us kids went home to celebrate with him and attend graduation. He was supposed to give a three minute speech, but like we all suspected, his ended up being almost double that. I guess when you're the guest of honor, you can bend the rules.

I love where I'm from, and I am so proud to be a Hennessey High School graduate. I'm even more proud to be my father's daughter. He's most definitely hall of fame material. I couldn't count the number of hot meals he's had to walk away from because the fire phone rang or the nights he's been busy attending meetings or going to events. I know on many occasions, he would have much rather been home with us, but he was willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the town. In the process, he taught us kids what it means to be a servant leader who really can make a difference in the lives of others.

It was a wonderful weekend that I'll never forget. We are incredibly proud of you, Dad! Congratulations on a well-deserved honor.

 We had reserved seating and everything! 

 After the graduation, we went over to Josh and Stacy's for a little party. 

 The next day we celebrated Mother's Day and attempted to introduce Maple and Scout to Oliver. It didn't go well, so we kept them separated for the rest of the day. Hopefully they'll learn to get along eventually.

 Asher started out the weekend very apprehensive about the dogs (as usual). He insisted on being carried to the fort and was very distracted, always wanting to know where they were. Who has time to actually look at the camera when you're trying to make sure you don't get eaten by a vicious animal?

 Slowly but surely, he started coming down from the fort for 20 to 30 seconds at a time. Before I knew it, he wanted to go on a walk with us. That's major progress! 

 But by the end of the day it was back to standing on dirt piles to escape the dog. Two steps forward, one step back.


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