So long, summer

Well even though the weather hasn't realized it yet, we celebrated Labor Day last weekend so that means summer is coming to a close. Kyle was able to get off work a little early on Saturday so we could head to Wichita to see Greg and Stacie. Greg is back on the night shift so after watching the end of the OSU game, grabbing some supper and putting Henry to bed, the guys were off to fight crime. I am always amazed by my nephews and how much they change in just a few weeks. Henry can now say his version of Abby and Kyle, and it's so cute! He is still very good at his animal sounds and is learning his colors. But his absolute favorite things to play with are balls. He is obsessed with them and he says "a ball" every time he sees anything round (limes, bubbles, pregnant bellies, you name it).

 Henry loves to fist bump. He's also rocking his orange Converse for OSU game day! 

 Catching bubbles before bath time! 

 Henry was watching a little Curious George while doing his breathing treatment, and Uncle Kyle found it very interesting. 

Enjoying a nice morning out on Greg and Stacie's new deck.

The next day, we went over to Jerilyn's house to spend some time with Conner. He seems to have grown a foot since a few weeks ago. Kyle was flying him through the air and had to take a break since he's getting so heavy. He's starting to talk and is so precious when he says "uh, oh." For Conner, it's all about trucks and he has miniature versions of all kinds of construction equipment. Kyle put him in one of his dump trucks and drove him around the house but he did not care so much for that.

 Conner is such a busy boy that I have a hard time getting a clear picture of him. 

 He even loves watching car videos with the guys! 

We let the guys babysit while us girls had our nails done and did a little shopping. It was nice to have a little girl time and my toes were needing some attention. I decided orange polish seemed appropriate since we were kicking off football season! Then we had dinner back a Greg and Stacie's and spent a little time outside before heading home. It was a great way to end the summer!

 Fun with Aunt Jerilyn!

 He has the sweetest smile! 

 This is Mick, Greg and Stacie's new puppy. 

 The boys had so much fun chasing grasshoppers. 

 Future basketball star in the making! 

 We wanted to get a photo of the boys with Nana and Papa, but this is how the photo shoot started so our hopes were not high. 

 As luck would have it, we ended up getting a decent one! 

 All I wanted was a normal picture and this is what I got. 

 The Fox girls. 

Goodbye hugs!


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