Have I mentioned lately how badly I want a summer break? The good, long kind where you have nothing to do but relax, cruise to Sonic in the Skylark and hang out with family. Those were the good old days when all the siblings were together and Sonic still served Heath blasts... Well I might not be able to go back there, but this past weekend we got pretty close. We went to Roman Nose with my family for one last hurrah before Zach heads to boot camp. We used to go to Roman Nose State Park all the time when we were little…like 0-6 years-old. There are certain things that stayed with me (like the big suckers Mom and Dad used to let me buy at the lodge), but I don't have a ton of memories since we were so little. So going in, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was very nice for a destination so close to home. While we were there we did a little stream walking, played volleyball until the wind blew over our net, went swimming, saw the horses and the guys...