The Mondays

Today I had a pretty bad case of the Mondays. That's probably because I worked from the office over 15 hours this weekend! That is the first time I've ever had to do that, and I'm so thankful. Time away allows you to charge your batteries and enjoy what life is all about. Not getting that is draining. I can't complain too much because that was definitely rare. The past few weekends have been GLORIOUS. I thought a lot about them as I sat at my desk on Saturday afternoon.

I took Friday off a few weeks ago to go shopping with Mom, Stacy and Lisa. We went to the "new" outlet mall in OKC. I'd never been before, and I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't have high expectations going in, so it didn't have to deliver much to satisfy me. Shopping for myself is something I rarely do. I really enjoy buying things for the house, so if I have money to spend, that's usually what I go for. That has definitely caught up with me, though. My wardrobe was getting so sad. I found a couple of great outfits (with shoes and everything)! I then proceeded to clean out my closet and let me tell you, there were things in there from MIDDLE SCHOOL. Even though I hadn't worn them in years, the fact they were still hanging there was almost more than I could take!

Later that weekend Kim and I went to a Bret Michaels concert in Shawnee at the casino. We used to watch Rock of Love when we lived together. I'll be honest, this was my first exposure to Bret Michaels. I am not a Poison fan. It was Kim's idea to go, and I wasn't too thrilled about it. I'm so glad we went, though. We had so much fun together and after the concert, I played at a roulette table for the first time. I'm ready for another Vegas trip!
Interesting fact: Bret Michaels wore this shirt on stage. It seems a bit vain to wear a T-shirt that has your picture on it, but I guess if you're a rockstar, you get away with things like that. Yes, Kim purchased this!

That Sunday, Kyle and I worked in the yard all day. I was so excited to finally get some sun! I was also in disbelief about how far we've come. We didn't have one argument! That was a night-and-day difference from last year. I guess we are growing up after all... :)

Asher enjoyed our freshly-cut lawn when he came over the next day. Kyle and I babysat him for the very first time. That's a little ridiculous considering his age, but we usually only see him in Hennessey with the whole family together. Highlights of his stay include:

1. Asher asking if we had any clean water for him to drink. (Stacy must have told him they were leaving  him in Mexico!)

2. Running through the sprinkler with Uncle Kyle.


3. The scary wooden cat in the dining room. Asher used to be afraid of it when he was little, but I didn't think it would bother him this time. He wasn't sure what to think of it all night, but just before he left, he mustered up the courage to "pet" (aka hit) it with one of his animals. I was so proud!

4. Aunt Abby changing his diaper for the first time.

5. Playing with slime. Don't ask me where we got it, but Asher had so much fun with that stuff. I'm sure his parents appreciated it.

I think he had a good time. When his mom and dad got home he said "No! Don't come in. We are playing." I considered that a compliment.


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